Influencer Marketing Nescafe! T.I.P Effect (T.I.P Effect is a is a subsidiary of  Purple Pan and brother company of Gaming in Turkey) presents; influencer marketing Nescafe campaign. Nescafe 3 in 1 wanted to own the night with the new tasty and more coffee added product; Extra. Those who study for the exams and gamers was right in the center of the target audience.

How could we draw the attention of the players in front of the computer except for TV commercials? It wasn’t hard to find the answer when we think like a gamer. The answer is; games and gaming platforms which bind the night to the morning for the gamers or lets them fall asleep.

And we started with the online FPS game Woflteam which offers plenty of action and prizes with millions of players.

We organized online night tournaments with the hashtag #wolfteamlesabahlarolmasin (#nomorningswithwolfteam) for specially Nescafe 3in1 Extra product. Tournaments are streamed live via Twitch TV. Through the month we made communication, giveaway gifts for those who participated with all the social media channels and Wolfteam pages.


We didn’t stop there! It was time for influencer marketing. We deal with one of the most popular streamers in Turkey, Zeonnn. Four streams have been made with the Nescafe 3in1 Extra sponsorship. Night streams are announced via Zeonnn’s social media channel and we both introduced Nescafe 3in1 Extra and had a great time with our target audience. We asked our audience to share posts on Twitter with the hashtag #sabahlarolmasin (#nomornings),

In the end of 4 week’s of work we saw the power of influencer marketing;

  • 2.306.713 unique players has been reached through the media channels
  • More than 350.000 visits occurred for the Nescafe 3in1 Extra channel.
  • We reached 75.000 unique players after 8 live streams on Twitch.
  • 8000 unique players watching in average.
  • More than 13.000 tweets posted after 4 weeks, 32hours of live streams.

With this event, we supported gamers to get success in their games awake for action and Nescafe to hit the target audience with point blank. Influencer Marketing Nescafe campaign was very successful for our client and we agreed to continue with Zeonnn for 2016. Every month he’ll do 2 live streams with the sponsorship of Nescafe.

For more follow T.I.P Effect;
T.I.P Effect Youtube Channel
T.I.P Effect Website