Gaming In Turkey & Gamescom 2016 – Lets Meet
Gaming in TURKEY | MENA | EU, still continues, as an agency and as a business. Let’s talk about what we are doing nowadays and then we will talk about GAMESCOM. First of all, we are working on Karanlık Işık for their ranks and KPIs. We managed some banners and landing pages last month, and this month we started some blogs to support our KPIs more effectively on the search side.
Past experiences show us we need to work in different ways at the same time to reach the great power of digital works. One by one, all ideas are good enough but altogether, it’s hard to breakable. From this point, Gaming in TURKEY | MENA | EU’s digital and social media experts are working same time to expand our client’s serving area.
Our new generation digital distribution and monetization platform Perdigital is also started to use some SEO options and Adwords with us. We are preparing some new tools and campaigns on Facebook and Google side to hook their customers in digital land. While preparing these campaigns we are also using the power of word of mouth. Some good opportunities from Perdigital to its customers needed to be shared and talked about on social media.
GAMESCOM is coming! And this year Turkey is a partner country in Gamescom. We will also plan to attend a fair to talk about Turkish business opportunities with our future partners. We announced our participation announcement on our Linkedin page and announced to possible companies who want to enter the Turkish gaming business and region to talk about in Gamescom. Of the 76.6 million population of Turkey, 37.8 million was online user and 22.4 million gamer in 2015 according to the Newzoo search. This year we assume gamers are increased and game-related companies can find several opportunities to expand their game audience with a professional game consultancy and marketing agency localized in Turkey.
Hope to see you at Gamescom but we recommend before Gamescom, shoot an email to us and let’s arrange our meeting!