Updates From Turkish Gaming Industry & G.I.T
Welcome back Commander; Turkish Gaming Industry!
Star Date March 2016, we are living in a technological world and we have some news from Turkish Gaming Industry! Last dates of March and beginning of April witnessed 4.5G update in Turkish mobile world. Its LTE Advanced named 4.5G started in 1st of April. Yes it is not an aprilfoolsday joke, it started without any technical problem with Turkcell, Turk Telekom and Vodafone. From now in, we can reach more then 100 mb download per second in Mobile. It will also effect quotas but whatever my friend, internet is getting faster and games will be more effectively playable. Thats our interested part. Now we can download more than 50mb mobile games faster andc, faster. Also streaming will be faster and our internet live will be easier.
Lets talk about games! At the end of League of Legends Turkey Winter Season Final, we got a champion, Supermassive Esport who beat Beşiktaş Esport Club with 3vs1 score. Supermassive will continue to its journey in World Finals in Mexico. There is an intern news! Knock knock! Who is it? Chinese Mobile Game companies! Don’t tell anyone but there are some new mobile games are coming to Turkish market. Also one news from Perdigital, our digital hub client, they are sponsored to a national Counter Strike: Global Offensive Tournament in 12 cities. Perdigital has a good collaboration with Steam and they are continue with CS:GO series and it seems after cities they will handle some more tournaments.
There is a new negotiation from Gaming In Turkey. This week one of the well known game companies from Turkish Gaming Industry will meet GIT and talk about some collaboration in Turkey. This collaboration can effect global business of GIT and next moves in gaming industries.
Our eyes on Turkish gaming industry, your eyes are on us. We know our responsibility. Don’t get lost and stay connected with Gaming in TURKEY | MENA | EU news to hear from Turkey.
End of Commander’s Notes.